Moose CLI


MooseJS comes with a handy CLI for managing your MooseJS application. Navigate to your project's directory to run commands. There are a few ways to run the CLI:

The simplest method to run the CLI is via NPX. No extra installation is necessary for this method.

$ npx @514labs/moose-cli <command>

Moose CLI commands


Instead of using create-moose-app, you can initialize your project manually with the CLI, if you'd like more flexibility and control. Either option will initialize a new MooseJS project for you, with all the necessary directories including temporary ones for data storage.

moose init <name> --language <language> <--location <location>> <--no-fail-already-exists>
  • <name>: Name of your app or service.
  • --language <language>: Language of your app or service. We currently only support Typescript.
  • --location <location>: Location of your app or service. The default is the name of the project.
  • --no-fail-already-exists: By default, the init command fails if location exists, to prevent accidental reruns. This flag disables the check.
  • Build

    Builds your moose project. Syncs model changes, performs cleanup and prepares your project for use and deployment.

    When the --docker flag is used, the Moose build command also packages your project into local Docker containers.

    moose build <--docker>


    Starts a development environment running the full stack of your MooseJS application locally. As you develop your MooseJS application locally, changes you make to your codebase will be automatically reflected here in real-time (when you save changes).

    moose dev


    Starts Moose in production mode. This command is automatically invoked from a packaged Moose Docker container.

    moose prod


    Flow Init

    Generates a new Flow for you, including creating and structuring the necessary directories and files based on your specified data models. Learn more in the Flows docs.

    moose flow init --source <YourSourceDataModel> --destination <YourDestinationDataModel>


    Generate Migrations

    Generates migration scripts for models that are different from the previous version. Learn more in the Data Change Management docs.

    moose generate migrations

    Bump Version

    Bumps the version field in package.json, and adds an entry of the current version and commit hash to [supported_old_versions] section in project.toml. Learn more in the Data Change Management docs.

    moose bump-version <new_version>
  • <new_version>: optional parameter, if omitted, moose will default to bumping the minor version.
  • Clean

    Clears all temporary data and stops development infrastructure.

    moose clean


    View logs to help debug how data moves through Moose.

    moose logs <--tail> <--filter <search_string>>