Developing your App
Primitive: Data Models

Configuring Data Models

Each data model's configuration can be tweaked to fit your needs. To set the configuration for a data model, just export a configuration object from the model file with the data model name as a prefix and config as the suffix, like so:

import { Key, DataModelConfig, IngestionFormat } from "@514labs/moose-lib";
// <modelName>Config
export const UserActivityConfig: DataModelConfig<UserActivity> = {
  ingestion: {
    format: IngestionFormat.JSON,
  storage: {
    enabled: true,
    order_by_fields: ["timestamp"],
export interface UserActivity {
  eventId: Key<string>;
  timestamp: string;
  userId: string;
  activity: string;

Configuration Options


Configures the API endpoint that we provision to ingest data into the data model.

export const UserActivityConfig: DataModelConfig<UserActivity> = {
  ingestion: {},


The format of the data that the ingestion endpoint will accept. This defaults to IngestionFormat.JSON.

export const UserActivityConfig: DataModelConfig<UserActivity> = {
  ingestion: {
    format: IngestionFormat.JSON,

Possible values:

  • IngestionFormat.JSON: Single JSON object expected in the body of the request
  • IngestionFormat.JSON_ARRAY Array of JSON objects expected in the body of the request
  • Storage

    Configures the persistence layer for the data model.

    export const UserActivityConfig: DataModelConfig<UserActivity> = {
      storage: {},


    Whether to enable a table in the OLAP storage for the data model. This is enabled by default.

    export const UserActivityConfig: DataModelConfig<UserActivity> = {
      storage: {
        enabled: true,


    Adds an order by clause to the table in the OLAP storage. This is useful when you want to query the data model by a specific field. This will be used to order the data on disk. Is empty as default.

    export const UserActivityConfig: DataModelConfig<UserActivity> = {
      storage: {
        order_by_fields: ["timestamp"],